Hotel Nap has a long history, here in a short overview:
The great fire of 20 August 1666 almost completely destroyed West Terschelling. The Brandaris, the Westerkerk and about thirty houses were spared. The house on the site of the current hotel (then on the edge of the village) and owned by Sievert Jacobsz also withstood the 'English Fury'.
In 1670, Sivert Jacobsz sold this house in Toornstraat to Claas Jans Japjes for 700 guilders. In the course of time, the house, yard and stables change owner and user several times. In order not to make the story too confusing, we skip these residents and pick up the thread again after a hundred years.
Joost Arie Mink had become the owner of two houses on this site in 1782 and sold them in 1787 to Bernhard Quirijn van de Willige, who had come from Enkhuizen. Van de Willige was overseer of the fires, convoy master and short drost of Terschelling and Griend. He had one of the houses converted into a stable.
After his death in 1793, the house and stable were used by him, sold for 605 guilders to Arnold Adriaans Bolk.
In 1811 the property was registered to Cornelis Schaap, a patented lodging house keeper. The beginning of the function of accommodation provider. However, Schaap's business did not go so well because in 1812 he was declared desolate (bankrupt). He was the first to designate the house as an inn and posthumously Cornelis Schaap is credited as the founder of the current hotel Nap and the history as a lodging house therefore begins in 1811.
In 1815, Oene Gerrit Lieuwen & Tettje Brandenburg were innkeepers there, the inn was then called Het Wapen van Amsterdam.
In 1832, Terschelling was measured and all private real estate was mapped, the yard and lodging house of Van Oene Gerrits Lieuwen were registered as number A 163.
In 1847 Oene Lieuwen sold the lodging house to Cornelis Ruijgh for 472 guilders.
Ruijgh was a carpenter contractor, he sold the lodging house to the neighbor Tjebbe Jans Swart. Swart was an innkeeper there, but also had a farm and stables as a sideline.
House and groomsman Jurriaan van Keulen took care of the livestock and every day brought the surplus of lunch and dinner pot with yoke and buckets to a small piece of land behind the Brandaris.
In 1888 Aldert Tjebbe Swart was the operator of the Amsterdamsch Koffyhuijs, only later was it named Hotel Swart.
In 1917 Derk Nap borrowed f 25,000 from Albert Carel Eschauzier, = and from Aldert Swart and Matthijs Swart each f. 5000, =, total f. 35000, =. In that year he bought the Hotel Swart in addition to/after his forest ranger job, Nap thus became the namesake of the current Hotel Nap. In addition to the purchase price, the large capital was necessary for the renovation and expansion of the new part on Trompstraat. This was furnished as a dance venue, theater and later cinema.
Many prominent people stayed in Hotel Nap during their visit to Terschelling. Prince Hendrik spent the night there, he donated a new chain of office to the mayor of Heusden during an informal get-together over drinks on Sunday evening 15 June 1920.
Tourism on Terschelling got off to a hesitant start, as the hotel was already connected to gas and water supply in 1921. Hotel Nap was one of the largest water consumers in West and caused too low pressure on the water pipe, the problem was so serious that it was discussed in the city council.
During the war, the KINO performances for the German soldiers were held here. A special film booth was built behind the hall, in the Zeevaartschoolstraat.
After the war, Tonny van Nouhuys shot, until he went to the Dellewal hall, there are films.
Klaas van der Weide took over the hotel on 1 January 1937. Van der Weide was previously a waiter at Hotel de Keizerskroon in Het Loo near Wierden. He kept the name of the company, so hotel Nap had its last name change in 1917.
In 1957 the Miedema family became the owner. Piet sr., with the help of son Piet jr., ran hotel Nap and (then still hotel) Zeezicht on Terschelling, son Chris ran hotel Zeezicht in Harlingen.
In 1972, a group of investors took over Hotel Nap and appointed Jitse de Jong from Alkmaar as director. Shortly after, the new bowling alley was also built.
In 1982, Jitse de Jong was succeeded by Chris Miedema Sr. as director on behalf of the shareholders, shareholders who were bought out by him in 1984, so that from '84 he is also known as the owner. Together with his sons Peter and from 1987 also Chris Jr., he ran the hotel for a number of years. Chris sr. retired in 1994, passed away in 1999. From 2001 to March 2019, Chris Miedema & Sonja Reitsma are the entrepreneurs who run Hotel Nap.
As of April 1, 2019, Kees de Lange purchased hotel Nap from Chris Miedema and Sonja Reitsma. Kees has worked in the hospitality industry all his life, the last 9 years on Terschelling as general manager of WestCord hotel Schylge. Since the takeover, major innovations have been implemented, for example, the terrace is equipped with cozy sofas, heaters and music. The restaurant has had a major upgrade in terms of appearance, decor and dishes. The bathrooms of our annex were completely renovated at the beginning of 2020. At the end of 2020, all floors on the ground floor will be fitted with new carpeting / PVC. In 2021, all rooms on the ground floor will be completely renovated and equipped with a completely new, modern, Terschellinger look & feel.