Culinary enjoyment on Terschelling
Our seasonal menus offer a wide choice of meat, fish and vegetarian dishes. Chef Sander Wever surprises again and again with beautiful creations, where possible prepared with local products. From oysters from the mudflats, beef from the islander Boschplaat cattle, salty vegetables from the Salty Garden in Oosterend to our own pick of edible flowers and porcini mushrooms, you can taste the flavors of the island in each of our dishes.
We are very proud of the listing in the Lekker500
On May 9, 2023, we were allowed to provide dinner for King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima during their visit to Terschelling.
Local products
Seasonal products
Matching wines
Fine dining in a pleasant atmosphere
Taking into account allergies
Highly rated by our guests
Truffel-boter / olijfolie / zeezout
Vinaigrette / sjalot / limoen 3stuks
Vinaigrette / sjalot / limoen 1/2 dozijn
wisselende soep / garnituur / brood
edamame / prei / kruidenolie
paling / spekjes / bieslook
dragon / hazelnoot / hooi / riesling beurre blanc
amadel / eidooier / bieslook / kimchi / truffel
kreeft gyoza / bospeen / lavas / saffraan / hooi beurre blanc
knolselderij / oloroso / ansjovis / walnoten hollandaise
kippenlever / rode biet / pastinaak / drop / steranijs
zwarte bonen / eidooier / bieslook / rettich / gepofte granen
aardappel / prei / champignon / bloemkool / dragon / biet truffeljus
oudwijker Fiore / ui / truffel / groene kruiden
mousseline / paksoi / groene curry / kokkels / rettich / limoenblad beurre blanc
little gem / artisjok / aardappel / chorizo / beurre blanc van schelpdieren
parelgort / witlof / citroen / saus albufera
aardappel / prei / champignon / bloemkool / dragon / truffeljus
als supplement te bestellen
als supplement te bestellen
chocolade / pinda / karamel
honing / lamsoor / honeycomb
miso / eendenlever / quinoa / mandarijn
confiture / kletzenbrood
Bonbons / madeleine / macaron
eventueel met bijpassend wijnarrangement
eventueel met bijpassend wijnarrangement
eventueel met bijpassend wijnarrangement
eventueel met bijpassend wijnarrangement
Beautifully presented plates, exciting flavors combined with delicious wines. Dining in restaurant NAP is an evening of enjoyment,